School Leadership

Leadership Team

The Leadership Team consists of key school administrators who are responsible for particular departments in the School, and collectively share in the School's operation.

Name Position
Kevin McHenry B.BA.(Hons.)(Laurier), B.Ed.(Western), M.Ed.(Toronto) Head of School
Trevor Biasi
BA. (Hons.)(Laurier), B.Ed. (Western), M.Ed. (Nipissing)
Director of Middle School
Joe Foote
B.Ed. (Western)
Director of Athletics
Sabrina D'Angelo 
B.A. (Wilfrid Laurier), B.Ed. (U of T), M.Ed., (Nippissing)
Head of School, St. Anne's School
Nicolette Fleming
B.A. (Hons), M.A. (Brock)
Director of Communications
Janice Hollett
M.B.A. (McMaster), B.A. (Western)
Chief Financial Officer
Shannon Kelly
B.A. (Western), CHRL
Director of Human Resources
Kylah Adams
B.A. (Trinity Western)
Executive Assistant to the Head of School
Michael Paluch
B.A. (Hons.), B.Ed., M.A., Ed.D. (Western)
Deputy Head of School
Keith Ramon
B.A. (Hons) (Trent), B.Ed. (Queen’s)
Director of Boarding
Gregory Reid
B.A., B.P.H.E. (Hons.), B.Ed.(Queen’s), M.Ed. (OISE), C.A.A., C.D. 
Deputy Head of School
Michael Roy '85
B.A. (Mount Allison)
Executive Director, Enrolment Management
Steven Rush
B.A. (Hons.)(Western)
Director of Information Technology
Nicholas Weedon '02
M.B.A. (Fredericton), B.A. (Western)

Executive Director of Advancement

Board of Governors

The Board of Governors sets policy and delegates to the Headmaster and faculty the task of implementing such policies. Board members give generously of their time to serve St. Andrew's College.

Name Position
Mark K. Etherington '92, P'24, BA Chair
James C. MacPherson, P'96, '99, BA, LL.B., LL.M. Vice-Chair
Tejus Ajmera '00,  BA Governor
Victoria Calverley, P'15, MBA, CPA Governor
Scott Cole '80, P.Eng., B.A.Sc. Governor
Sabrina D'Angelo, B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed. Head of School, SAS
Lawrence DeMello, P'21, '23, '25, B.Math, B.Ed., MA Governor, Faculty
Colby Dockerty, BA (Hons), MA Governor
John Dunlap '88, P'20, B. Comm, MBA Governor
Mark Hart, P'22 Governor
Janice Hollett, CA, CPA, MBA Secretary
René Jones, P'20, BA, MPM Governor
Armen Khajetoorian '03, BA, J.D.  Governor
David Lawrence '81, P'16, BA Chair, SAC Foundation
Belinda Long, P'21, BA Governor
Terri MacLean, P'98, '13, LL.B, BA Governor
Kevin R. McHenry, P'18, '21, B.BA. (Hons.), B.Ed., M.Ed. Head of School, SAC
Ian Michael '92, BA, LL.B Governor
C.A.F. Sandy Munro '70, P'08, BA Governor
Donald M. Rogers '59, P'91 Governor
John F. Rook '64, P'97, BA, LL.B. Governor
Samantha Scheepers, BA (Hons), MT. Governor
Faculty SAS
Julie I. Symmes, P'09, R.N.
Cailey Stollery, P'21, P'23, P'25, BA (Hons), MBA  Governor
Bill Yuill '57 Governor
Ann Chow P’25, P’27 Parents Guild President

Past Head of School

Name Year
Mr. E.G. Staunton 1997-2009
Mr. Robert Bedard 1981-1997
Dr. Tom A. Hockin 1974-1981
Mr. J. Robert Coulter 1958-1974
Dr. Kenneth Ketchum 1935-1958
Rev. Dr. D. Bruce Macdonald 1900-1935
Rev. Dr. George Bruce 1899-1900

Past Board Chairs

Name Year
Dan G. Stock 2016-2022
Michael G. Sifton '79 2010-2016
Jeffrey S. Chisholm 2005-2010
Brian G. Armstrong (SAC 1955-61) 1996-2005
Peter D.G. Harris 1979-1996
Gage H. Love 1972-1979
John K. Macdonald (SAC 1913-22) 1958-1972
James S. Duncan 1947-1958
Rev. Dr. D. Bruce Macdonald 1938-1947
Sir Joseph W. Flavelle 1923-1938
Sir Albert Gooderham 1922-1923
John Kay Macdonald 1899-1922
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